Friday, April 19, 2013

+Karla +Andis Wedding

+Karla +Andis Wedding ceremony and reception by RJ Glamour & Innovation, Inc The Abbey & The Mezz Downtown Orlando on Saturday April 06, 2013 was the venue for this glamorous and elegant celebration where after ceremony, exclusive guests and family enjoyed romantic atmosphere full of candles, flowers and details that we created for this couple, Karla & Andis congratulations y mucha felicidad!

Pictures by ST Video photography 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

+Juan Carlos White Mardi Grass Birthday Celebration

+Juan Carlos White Mardi Grass Birthday Celebration by RJ Glamour & Innovation Inc.

Juan Carlos is now 35 years old and we make a huge celebration for him using all white and blue elements to create a lounge club inside a prestigious hotel ballroom, The Crown Plaza at Universal was the venue for this awesome birthday celebration where many important people enjoyed with JC.

JC Happy Birthday now and ever!
Photography by Shakera for RJ Glamour & Innovation, Inc.

Ashley + Carlos Wedding

Ashley + Carlos Wedding by RJ Glamour & Innovation, Inc.

This beautiful couple have a very unique taste for romantic and modern décor, we create for them centerpieces with butterflies and fresh flowers including their theme colors with lights and details, this wedding was full of romance and love, thank you Ashley + Carlos for selecting us as your florist-designers for your ceremony and reception. Congratulations and have a wonderful life together. 

Photos by RJ Glamour & Innovation, Inc.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Danielle Sewell + Petey Bingham

Danielle Sewell + Petey Bingham’s Wedding by RJ Glamour & Innovation.

Mrs. + Mr. Bingham is a young couple with an elegant taste for exotic and non-common flowers, Danielle it was a pleasure work with you and with your mother Marilyn in the process of create the perfect atmosphere for such an special date.

Danielle + Petey congratulations on your new marriage.

Photos by RJ Glamour & Innovation.